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Carnifex Metal eBooks is always on the lookout for something interesting to release. To that end, we have decided to open up our submissions period until further notice... below you will find the relevant information!

NEW! Our "An eBook Tribute To..." series is now on the 2009 schedule Here
Send us an e-mail for further information on the projects!
We are mostly looking for non-fiction book ideas at this time, although a well-written fiction tale having some tie-in with Heavy Metal music will be looked at. Ideally the project will be no less than 25,000 words and no more than 75,000.

Have a biography of a great Metal musician or band? Written a book about the Metal scene in your area? A guide to Metal Festivals? Left-handed guitar players? Whatever it is, we'd love to read it and perhaps publish it!

Send us the first three chapters via e-mail, along with a short bio of yourself... in the e-mail let us know why this story will sell, what you will do to promote it, and what the fanbase for the story will be... simple as that!

We are always looking for fresh artists to help us with covers, artwork for this website, promotional items, etc.

We don't pay much... Hell, we don't pay at all, to be honest... we are a very small press and limited to doing eBook releases only at this point, so the only real payment will be:

Your own page on this website, where you can tell us whatever it is you want on there, like your own website info, links to your works, etc. as well as an interview with you to further promote you...

Still interested in exposure? send us an e-mail to CarnifexMetal (at) along with some ideas and a link to some of your work... remember, we are a Heavy Metal-themed publisher...

We are a small press only putting out eBooks right now... wait for it... we pay a minimal amount upfront and offer no royalties at this time... we offer aggressive marketing of your eBook, as well as further exposure for you as a writer, with links to your own site, an interview for fans to get to know you, etc.

We also offer a flat $25.00 if we accept your work, payment on the day that the eBook is released. Still interested after all that? E-mail us at CarnifexMetal (at)

Armand Rosamilia